AFR Conference: CMR

The CMR Analysis and Testing Laboratory for the construction and cultural heritage sectors was born as a specialized centre for the analysis of building materials, with a special focus on their thermal performance.
The Laboratory has always believed in the importance of offering its clients a high-profile technical and scientific combination. For this reason, it decided to assert the quality of its test results through accreditation with ACCREDIA, the sole Italian accreditation institution to guarantee quality according to the norm UNI EN ISO CEI 17025 (Accreditation certificate number 1035).
Architects, professionals, constructors, and producers of traditional or innovative building materials will be able to find clear and practical answers to the many problems that can be found in the construction industry.
Furthermore, the Laboratory is equipped with technologically advanced instruments for the execution of analysis and tests in the following areas:
- Thermal testing and energy conservation
- Tests on the performance of materials
- Analysis of materials
- Identification of causes of degradation in buildings (humidity, material detachments etc.)
- Acoustic testing.
Documents: Conference
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