AFR Conference: CORES4N

CORES4N srl began to work in the wider field of the protection and the valorisation of Cultural Heritage in 1985, when its CEO, Salvatore Napoli, founded his first company. The company’s core business is the restoration of frescoes, stuccos, statues, covering works, restoration of facades, structural consolidation and seismic improvement of architectural and monumental properties. The headquarter is located inside the Milan, Como, Varese triangle, which it allows to be active in Lombardy, but also in the rest of the Italian territory and abroad. In fact, the company is proud to have experienced working opportunities in countries such as Israel (2008 and 2009), Switzerland (2001-2009) and Armenia (2020).
To be specific, in Switzerland CORES4N srl had the opportunity to collaborate with the University of Tessin -SUPSI, while in Israel, through a joint project Custody of the Holy Land- University of Florence, the company had the opportunity to be one the first companies to work in the conservation field, using bio and nanotechnologies, while working in Nazareth at the Grotto of the Annunciation.
In collaboration with Alma Mater University of Bologna, the oldest University in Italy, enterprise held lectures about our restoration techniques in the project ROCHEMP.
The enterprise has all Italian law requirements to intervene on architectural and monumental properties which are under the protection of the Italian ministry of culture and has adopted, since 2012, the quality management certification UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 (IAF:28) and in addition to the beforementioned recently obtained ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2015 too.
The company holds active collaborations with different Italian universities, such as the University of Florence, the University of Milan, the University of Bologna and the Polytechnic of Milan and with several architects, engineers and external scientific consultants.
CORES4N srl is a member of several category associations, such as Assorestauro, ANCE- Associazione Nazionale Costruttori Edili and ITA- Italian Trade Agency.
Some of our most prestigious works include:
– Chiaravalle Abbey- Milan consolidation project and restoration of its surfaces
– Aqueduct of Nottolini and the Temple cistern of Guamo – San Concordio- Lucca- Tuscany- consolidation and seismic improvement project
– Duomo di Milano- Amadeo Spike – cleaning and restoration of the surfaces through innovative products
– Como Cathedral – restoration of the frescoes
– Broletto of Como – restoration of the surfaces
– Basilica of the Annunciation– Nazareth- Israel – use of bio- and nanotec to restore the inside of the grottos.
Palazzo Arese Litta, – headquarter of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism for Lombardy (MiBACT), the Regional Museum of Lombardy and the Archeology Superintendency of Fine Arts and Landscape for the Metropolitan City of Milan
– Basilica of Sant’Ambrogio- Milan- restoration of the Canons’ bell Tower
– Casa Rustici- Milan- restoration of the façades of the building designed by the Italian architect Terragni in the 1930’s
– Former church of San Giulio- Cassano Magnago – design and construction of the missing vault
– Camerlata fountain – Como- restoration of the fountain (designed in 1936)
Documents: Brochure
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