Press Conference in Tirana

Tirana May 24, 2021. Albania will participate, as a “partner country” and with a delegation of Albanian operators, at Salone Internazionale del Restauro scheduled from 1 to 3 September at the Fiera del Levante in Bari.
The news was announced during the press conference organized in Tirana by the Italian Embassy in Tirana, in collaboration with ICE Agency, Assorestauro and Salone Internazionale del Restauro, with the Albanian Ministry of Culture, with the aim of strengthen bilateral relations between Italy and Albania in the protection, conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage. The participation of Albania will be an opportunity to intensify the Italian-Albanian collaboration in the field of restoration and recovery of the built heritage, also following the 2019 earthquake that caused significant damage.
Watch the video of the press conference.
Evento organizzato dall’Ambasciata d’Italia a Tirana, l’Agenzia ICE, Assorestauro e il Salone internazionale del Restauro, insieme al Ministero della Cultura albanese rappresentato dalla Ministra Elva Margariti per la presentazione della collaborazione tra Italia e Albania nella tutela dei beni culturali e la partecipazione dell'Albania al “Salone del Restauro in Tour a Bari” e alla “Restoration Week 2021”.
Pubblicato da Restauro - Salone Internazionale su Lunedì 24 maggio 2021
The conference was attended by the ambassador Fabrizio Bucci, the Albanian Minister of Culture, Elva Margariti, the president of Ferrara Fiere, Andrea Moretti, the director of Assorestauro, Andrea Griletto, the director of Italian Trade Agency Tirana Office, Elisa Scelsa, while the presidents of Puglia Region, Michele Emiliano, and of the Fiera del Levante, Alessandro Ambrosi, intervened in virtual connection.